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When construction equipment or severe weather damages your property, tearing up garden beds or obliterating carefully contoured groundwater run-off channels, we can help. Our experienced teams will visit your site, inspect the damage and recommend the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions. We will re-grade lawn surfaces, re-sod or re-seed damaged turf, replace affected trees and shrubs and provide new run-off channels. We also will provide you with estimates for making any additional landscaping improvements you may desire. When we're done, your property will look as good as new—maybe even better.


Restoring damaged turf is as much an art as a science. We use proven turf management and turf growing techniques - along with specialized equipment — to restore lawns quickly and affordably. We also adjust our strategies according to the current phase of the growing season, lawn conditions, soil composition and cost constraints.

When turf damage is moderate, we may recommend a combination of seeding, over seeding, hydro-seeding or sprigging — the turf-repair equivalent of using "hair plugs" — to get the job done.  Severely damaged turf typically requires replacement. To assure the best-possible results, we work exclusively with Maryland-certified seed and turf — products designed to thrive under local climate conditions. And we buy these products direct from growers we know — and trust.

We'll take the same thoughtful approach to your lawn so that you get the look and coverage you desire ... at a price you can afford.

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All new homes come pre-graded with swales — subtle slopes and contours sculpted into the landscape to regulate the speed, direction and distribution of storm water run off. But these drainage systems frequently get disrupted – or permanently damaged – during the construction of home additions, swimming pools or renovations. Flooded basements, standing lawn water and dead zones often result. If your property is experiencing any of these problems, call us.

Our expert landscaping crews will inspect your property to determine if re-grading is necessary. Then, they will design and implement a cost-effective solution.



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Healthy, vibrant plants provide the crowning touch to a well-landscaped lawn. Some, such as wildflowers, can be grown from seed.  But many perennial varieties and most ornamental plants and trees must be purchased from nurseries and transplanted. Turf Center Lawns provides a complete planting service that makes sure your landscaping investment continues to enhance your surroundings for years to come.


We visit local nurseries and hand-pick the healthiest specimens for your lawn, making sure they represent native species capable of thriving in this climate and in your particular soil. We also carefully:

  • Prepare and grade flower beds and transplant sites

  • Remove dead, damaged or diseased plants and properly dispose of their soil

  • Precondition the old soil to receive the new plants

  • Safeguard your plants during shipping

  • Properly set each plant and installation

We even provide you with care instructions on how-to maintain your plants once they're installed.







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Turf Center Lawns, Inc.

1409 Spencerville Road, Spencerville, MD 20868 | 301-384-9300 | FAX 301-384-9304 |

2016 Tuf Center Lawns. Proudly created by Color Plus.

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