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Turf Center Lawns, Inc.

1409 Spencerville Road

Spencerville, MD 20868



301-384-9304 FAX


Monday-Friday, 8 am to 4:30pm.


Or use our online forms for immediate submission at any time:

Free Landscaping Services Quote


Turf Center Lawns, Inc. serves residential and commercial clients located throughout the greater Baltimore and Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas. Our primary market extends roughly 30-miles beyond Spencerville and embraces such outlying communities as Fairfaxand Port Washington, VA to the south,Towson and Westminster, MD to the north, Annapolis, MD to the east and Frederick, MD to the west.

We're located on the south side ofSpencerville Road (MD Rte. 198), just 0.3 miles east of its intersection with New Hampshire Avenue and directly behind The Turf Center - a lawn and garden center and Southern States store.

If you need more information about us or our services, or if you have a project you'd like to discuss, you may reach us either by phone or simply by dropping by any weekday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We'd be happy to help you!

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Turf Center Lawns, Inc.

1409 Spencerville Road, Spencerville, MD 20868 | 301-384-9300 | FAX 301-384-9304 |

2016 Tuf Center Lawns. Proudly created by Color Plus.

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